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"You may kiss the bride" usually marks the end of a wedding process. The accompanying applause and cheers speaks to the unison and wish of the guests, the wish usually being a happy ever after. This wish is in order judging by the couple's intimate kiss and radiant smile. The actual end though, makes that wish nothing more than a matrimonial embellishment. To conclude that pre and post nuptial activities have divorce in view - as the eventual terminus to the union, is not being far from the truth. We could tamper the presumption by extenuating the proceedings as involuntary. Primarily, misplaced priorities influence choice for a relationship and with whom. The mundane need (more like want) to par up with peers and to satisfy raw romantic pleasure sparks the desire for a pair up, overriding the more concrete need for companionship. The whom is decided by the perceived level of comfort attainable as opposed to the degree of genuine happiness derivable. Finding th

Labyrinth of Choice

Decisions are either life-saving or life-threatening. They could be the thin line between success and failure. Sometimes it takes one or multiple decisions to make a difference. Consequently, we make consultations, the oracles being our mind, family and friends; with the ultimate goal of finding satisfaction.  Depending on the scope, our mind alternates between logic and sentiments in making a choice. The dilemma is either smoothened or complicated by our explicit or tacit knowledge of the factors to consider. However, our personality and experience decides if rationale or emotions prevail in the eventual choice. This mind boggle creates an agitation that resonates beyond the point choice is made; having an eye out for the outcome. Although this is one consultation in which sense should prevail, our minds have a proclivity for skepticism. Why, even the most logical conclusion by all standards often do not keep us at rest. Our minds have a way of making comparisons, reading m

… But Seriously

For avid lovers of music, this calls to mind that album by Phil Collins. I wonder what he was thinking naming the album as he did. What was he taking seriously? Was it the something that ‘happened on the way to heaven’ or ‘that’s just the way it is’? By the track listings, Lovers would take ‘find a way to my heart’ seriously as farmers would ‘wish it would rain down.’ Politicians may take to the ‘heat on the street’ as Christians yearn for ‘another day in paradise.’ I take the advice from a ‘father to son’ more seriously. Interesting album it is. I remember listening to that album every other day in the year 1996/97 and I took that pretty girl in the “Do you remember” video very seriously. Only she seem not to remember who I was and Phil may very well be waiting for an answer till this moment. I have something different in mind though.  It is a familiar sight. Very sure you can count a number of them right now. Frowns that tell you the anguish of others or smiles that fa

Gatekeepers versus Trojans

The  domestic  roles  of head and  companion  played by the  man and wife respectively ,  aims at balancing the strengths and weaknesses of both gender as u nderscored by their inherent  disposition . If  maintained,  it sought to cater to the efficacy  and longevity of the matrimonial institution. Down the  centuries , there have been a perpetual battle to tilt the scale  in either end. With this war a long way from a truce, either side may be inadvertently contributing to th is  feud al cycle  in the manner they fulfil their role. The fight for women right have evolved and gained momentum over time and, suffice to say, is duly established in this century as Feminism. More females now find prominence on the political, social and religious front. The common phrase: “What a man can do, a woman can do better”  have unconsciously been  propagated  more than any other time  in his tory. In Nigeria, t his  tussle for equality finding root   in  the homestead comes as an ambush  

Into the wild

The rude awakening usually is the span of time between graduation and an appointment, that is if the interview stage is seamless. If attempts at the limited opportunities for mass graduate recruitment fails, chances are that securing a job at all becomes increasingly a pipe dream. And to think there was once a dream job! * Mtcheeew *. Monday mornings are the worst mornings and Friday evenings are a respite. In between, surfing of job-sites or combing the streets for recruitment agencies and applying for relevant positions with doctored CVs to match serves a reply to a taunting conscience. Desperation. A recruiting  agency will find him here The week isn't any less frustrating in the alternative condition. 9 of the 16 waking hours are traded almost for free. Add transit time to the mix and hope sleep time is not as well merchandised. Given other instances, TGIF makes no difference to this time trade. The psychological strain from overwork and OT, treading carefully wi